Each different species of game claimed will be recognised at Branch level by your Branch Field Rep. This information will be forwarded to the Vice President, Bowhunting, for National recording. Your Branch Field Rep. will acknowledge this achievement by forwarding you a recognition letter which will allow you to obtain the corresponding animal patch from the ABA shop.
A Game award, Trophy Class and Record Class chevron is also available. The appropriate chevron will be noted on your recognition letter.
Non Award Species
Of the 18 species claimable through the Australian Bowhunters Association four are non-measurable and can only be claimed as game awards. These are the four badges shown below :- DONKEY, HARE, RABBIT & SCALED FISH .
Donkey |
Hare |
Scale Fish
Award Species
The fourteen remaining species are all measurable and can be claimed as Game Award, Trophy Class, Record Class and Australian Record. They are shown below and are BOAR, BUFFALO, CAMEL, FOX, FERAL CAT,FERAL GOAT, SHARK, STINGRAY, CHITAL DEER, FALLOW DEER, HOG DEER, RED DEER, RUSA DEER, SAMBAR DEER.
Boar |
Buffalo |
Feral Cat |
Chital Deer |
Fallow Deer
Hog Deer
Rusa Deer
Red Deer
Sambar Deer
Bowhunting for fish Which is the hunting for fish while walking either on land, |
Bowfishing for fish Which is the hunting for fish with the assistance |